How long do Safeguard anti-slip covers last? …A loooong time

At Safeguard, we often get the question: how long do the covers last? The answer depends a lot on the environment they are installed in. Places with light traffic will, of course, last longer than those with heavy use. And added chemicals such as oils or solvents can slowly wear down the surface coating over time.

The fact is, Safeguard Anti-Slip covers last a very long time. When we check in on our long-time customers, we hear this all the time, “they are performing great even when dirty.”

This cover was 13 years old when we brought it into the shop for a clean-up. Looked almost like new!

Check out the message! We estimate this step cover is circa 2012 – installed in a heavy traffic area of a power plant.

Our covers are installed in some of the roughest environments on the planet. They take a beating and are still very effective. Get started preventing slips and falls today!

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